StyleX was originally created by Sebastian McKenzie in 2018. Today, StyleX has a team of contributors supporting it at Meta.
- Joel Austin
- Melissa Liu
- Nadiia D.
- Naman Goel (Lead)
- Nestor Vanz
- Nicolas Gallagher
- Prakshal Jain
Past contributors
We’d like to recognize the people who have made significant contributions to StyleX and its documentation over the years.
- Ankit Sardesai
- Dennis Wilkins
- Frank Yan
- Jerry Su
- Samantha Zhan
- Sebastian McKenzie
- Will Hastings
Additional thanks
Additionally, we’d like to acknowledge the influence of the following projects and individuals:
- Atomizer and Thierry Koblentz for pioneering atomic CSS at scale.
- React Native and Christopher Chedeau for developing the idea of CSS-in-JS.
- React Native for Web and Nicolas Gallagher for first generating conflict-free atomic CSS from CSS-in-JS.
- Linaria for demonstrating the use of CSS Custom Properties to drive the values of dynamic styles.